Saturday, November 18, 2006


Raymond leaps into toddlerhood!

Having fun at home.
Me and My friend Maia in Kerikeri. Maia is in France now... boohoo, we miss her.
My first sickness. Boy was I sick, dont I look sad?
Me and my Nana - busted eating a rock...
Playing in the bath - who needs water??!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

My First Holiday... FIJI!!!

Kicking back in the pool with dad
I slept so well in Fiji.. mum and dad were stoked!

Who said I dont look like dad??

Me and Mummy cuddling on the last day in Fiji...

One of my favourite spots in Fiji... the POOL!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

MMmmm Cakkkeeeeee! Got - to - get - my - fingers - in - it!!!
A shoe. Whoopie.
I'm knackered after a long day!
Ooooo look at this big pressy!

Family photo time...

I AM ONE!!!!

Wahooo!!! We made it to ONE!! Here are some photos of me at my birthday... I had a party and got lots of pressys and I got a Wiggles cake and i was sooooo spoiled! Thankyou to all my fans for all my cool pressys!
(Blog is not letting me post photos yet. Stupid stupid! Will keep trying tho!)

Thursday, August 17, 2006


In my speedos!
Cheezy grin.
Are you sure it is still down there mum?
I got a new phone! Yay!

Well I am 11 months old now and it wont be long till I am officially a TODDLER!!
Old enough for coffee!

I'm nearly one.... I'm nearly one! :)

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Look at meeeeeeee!
I love Rock n Roll...
Saying Goodbye to daddy....
I love my excersaucer.
Ray Harry Potter Haines.... Aunty Kylie you are not laughing at me I hope...

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Me and Grandpa... "look grandpa! No hands!"
Me and Nana.... Never too young to start training em to do the chores.....
"I prefer the ride on Nana... at least me feet can touch the bottom"
Me in my Fuzzibunz nappys....
Having fun with Aunty Kylie and Cousy Cain.

Monday, May 22, 2006


Upside down smiles...
Come on muuummm..... take me for a spin!
More cutey smiles....
Rays little buddies..... (and mums too!)

Friday, May 05, 2006

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Raymond goes to gym....

Ok, where are all the babes in pink lycra??? Me and my buddy Carlos had a "ball" at gym, We really got into the "swing" of things...

Thursday, March 30, 2006

First TEETH!!

Open wide....

They are there.... can you see?

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Me in Hats

Getting cold now, time to pull out my hats.... awww cute aye!